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«A revolution will never be possible in Brussels, because we all know each other» «A revolution will never be possible in Brussels, because we all know each other» «A revolution will never be possible in Brussels, because we all know each other»


16 results
13 January 2025

Where do you go if you don’t have the technology? Here’s why it will be hard for Europe to do without SpaceX. In 2024, SpaceX had more than 130 orbital launches, China 68, and Europe stopped at 3. The European Galileo system was launched with Space X rockets because the European launchers were not there. Instead of transforming the EU into a serious and democratic political entity, time was lost behind the green follies of the European caviar left. 

27 May 2024

Anything but relying on the French and the Italians – One of the most pressing problems for the European Union is air defense, which is currently provided by Germany, which in turn chooses to depend on two actors: Israel and the United States, which supply the Arrows 3 and Patriot respectively. But what happens if for some reason the said supply should be interrupted? It seems that from the Russian energy problems, the Germans have learnt nothing…

27 March 2024

If you want peace, prepare for war – According to an IPSOS poll conducted for Euronews, common European defence is a priority for about half of EU citizens. A total of 83% consider it a desirable objective. Among the most ‘bellicose’ are Portugal, Finland, Sweden and Germany, while the least enthusiastic are Hungary, Italy and the Netherlands. The news is that this is a transversal consensus, uniting even Eurosceptics

17 March 2024

The farce of the Weimar Triangle – There could not have been a better place for the meeting between Macron, Scholz and Tusk: a show designed to project unity where there is only division. Scholz rules out an escalation, preferring the idea of supplying the Ukrainians with arms and ammunition; Poland is a protagonist in the war, and it could not be otherwise. Finally, Petit-Napoleon considers Putin to be an ‘existential threat’, but only because Le Pen (the next president according to the polls) has joined the allied positions

11 March 2024

In the open society, secrets are open as well – Radosław Sikorski, whom we spoke about a few days ago as a potential new defence commissioner after the elections of next June, is already stepping into the role: ‘NATO military personnel are already present in Ukraine’. In fact, this is the revelation of a secret that everyone already knew, but the fact that there is now open talk of ground troops seems to indicate the beginning of a new phase in European Defence. We shall see where it leads…

27 February 2024

Abandon all hope, European allies – Emmanuel Macron launches into one of the typical contradictions that have made him famous: ‘Russia cannot win in Ukraine’, he says, but at the same time Western governments have no intention of sending troops to fight the war. All that will be done is to send ammunition to allow Kiev to buy time, perhaps a few months. But still there is no sign of a winning strategy at the moment

15 February 2024

In Brussels there’s a new stone guest – After his controversial words about Nato and Russia, the defence ministers meeting in Brussels could only think of Donald Trump. But maybe a Europe left alone could be the best shock therapy against its possible disintegration. His words are an aid to the sleepwalkers living in the bubble

11 February 2024

Not even a casual mention – Europe is not named at all in Tucker Carlson’s interview with Vladimir Putin. A sign that it is seen internationally only as an emanation of the United States in the Old Continent, especially by the Deep State entrenched in the Pentagon, which now seems ready to return to dialogue with the Kremlin in the face of the possible election of Donald Trump

04 January 2024

Eu will have to pay more to guarantee its own security with many hotbeds of instability around

24 December 2023

Millions of Christians will spend Christmas being persecuted, and nobody cares – In Nagorno Karabakh, a territory where monasteries dating back to the first century symbolize the Christian essence of the region, in the past two years, the 130.000 inhabitants have been forced into a dramatic mass exodus. Yet their tragedy has remained deaf and unheard. This unfortunate silence reminds us how the Nagorno Karabakh conflict is part of the immense tragedy of persecuted Christian communities

11 December 2023

War is in the air – ‘We have to get used to the idea that one day we might have to fight a defensive war,’ says German Chief of Staff Breuer. The point is that the German armed forces, like the rest of Europe, are not yet ready. Trump’s possible return to the US presidency, with its notorious antipathy towards NATO, could spell even worse trouble for the Old Continent

02 November 2023

“A lot of fatigue from all sides” – Italian PM Giorgia Meloni pranked by Russian comedians says what everyone’s thinking about Ukraine. And on the migrants crisis she has harsh words for her European partners: “They don’t care”. Please remember Giorgia, don’t hold your breath waiting for help

31 October 2023

Knock, knock! What do the EU’s highest authorities think of this? – Another Qatargate this time involving Hamas and its leaders: according to an op-ed by the Emir Al-Thani, published by the WSJ, the US asked Doha to establish relations with the terrorist group in 2012. Was Brussels aware of this?