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Bubble report
«A revolution will never be possible in Brussels, because we all know each other» «A revolution will never be possible in Brussels, because we all know each other» «A revolution will never be possible in Brussels, because we all know each other»


22 results
18 December 2024

Von der Leyen’s game with Erdogan, between the Kurdish unknown and the treatment of Syrian refugees. If only the EU had a real common foreign policy, Europeans would have much more influence in the region without being at the mercy of Erdogan’s hegemonic aims. Since 2011, the EU has given Turkey almost 10 billion euros.

22 October 2024

The axis works – The European Parliament on Monday rejected, with 319 votes against, a request to debate the consequences of Friday’s Rome court ruling nixing the transfer of the first dozen migrants to a new processing centre in Albania. The request was presented by the Greens group and supported by Liberals and Socialists. But on the other side the Popular-Patriots-ECR axis proved to be stronger than expected

17 July 2024

BUBBLEFLASH – Very unfortunate timing – Lady Ursula loses the vaccine case: the court says she did not give sufficient access to contracts with pharmaceutical companies. Criticised, in this case, was the decision to only publish redacted versions of them. A ruling that casts a bad light just 24 hours before the crucial vote in parliament

12 July 2024

The insanity of electric cars is revealed – nobody buys them in Europe, while in China (which dominates the supply chain) they are mere leverage to make the Central Asian nations dependent. European suicide is thus served. Here, by the way, they tend to cost at least 50 per cent more than in Beijing (where, for example, a Dacia spring costs 9,000 euros compared to 17,000 in Germany). It would serve to call into question the policies of the first Von der Leyen mandate, but this will probably remain just an illusion. Meanwhile, industrial desertification advances…

09 July 2024

BUBBLEFLASH – Rumour has it that the chairmanships of the parliamentary committees could be divided up like this (see text). After the reform of the Rules of Procedure, BUDG will have a key political role and could go to the ECR, thus making it absolutely crucial in the game that will follow until 2029

15 April 2024

Sometimes you get what you voted for – Donald Tusk’s Poland seems to have understood all too well Brussels’ desire to include abortion in the Union’s charter of fundamental rights. A parliamentary debate began last week to ease the ‘almost’ ban now in force, quickly followed by a large street protest in Warsaw. Tusk’s road to change the country promises to be an uphill one, but not to difficult to walk

10 April 2024

Elections and migration: always hand in hand – The European Parliament approves the new package of reforms aimed at jointly tackling migratory flows on the continent. But the changes are disliked by many, from the far right (which complains of insufficient efforts) to the far left (which complains of inhumane treatment). The Italians are particularly dissatisfied because they feel that nothing has changed for those who, like them, are and will remain in the front line

02 March 2024

Bubblereport #16 – From the New Green Deal to the New War Deal: Lady Ursula is planning an EU rearmament strategy but without a political reform that could really lead to a common army (and therefore debt through serious treaty reforms). The EU is chasing events, not dominating them. Proof of this are the barbs between Scholz and Macron over Ukraine, which are cracking European effectiveness. This is not to say that Scholz leaked intelligence information that put France and Britain at risk

28 February 2024

Greenlight for a big Green win – In Strasbourg the ‘nature restoration law’, which requires member states to restore at least 30 percent of specific habitats from ‘poor’ to ‘good’ condition (and 90 percent by 2050), was approved. The vote highlights the divisions within the EPP and Renew: indications of a potential future majority, without the Socialists, but with the ECR now increasingly moderate

06 February 2024

Bubblereport #13 – Farmers’ anger is rampant throughout Europe, and this week it also arrived in Strasbourg at the plenary session. About a hundred tractors blocked the entrance to the Euro Chamber while Lady Ursula and Charles Michel were in the chamber. Who knows what they will come up with to quell the protests?  One thing is certain: for once Europe has only one voice, that of the farmers!

22 January 2024

Bubblereport #12 – Dombrovskis in Brussels is considered a kapo of the EU economy, a faithful enforcer of the austerity line imposed for years by Germany on the rest of Europe. A reputation that the former Latvian prime minister had begun to earn at home, where in the five years of his government (2009-2014), he imposed harsh measures forcing more than 250,000 Latvians to emigrate abroad to escape poverty

15 January 2024

Send them to landfill! – Ratification of a European Commission proposal to ” enhance the circularity of the automotive sector” seems imminent. If it is approved by governments in its current form, some 3.8 million European citizens would receive a letter at home giving them a deadline to scrap their cars. Long before the famous year 2035. More green euro nonsense

08 January 2024

Drunk and disorderly – China returns blow for blow and initiates anti-dumping proceedings against EU’s brandy after last September Brussel’s investigations against Chinese electric vehicles manufacturers. Eye for an eye and the trade goes blind