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«A revolution will never be possible in Brussels, because we all know each other» «A revolution will never be possible in Brussels, because we all know each other» «A revolution will never be possible in Brussels, because we all know each other»


181 results
20 November 2024

Proportional representation often leads to variable majorities in parliament. Something that S&D and Renew are unable to understand. So it seems that the stalemate that the EU institutions had reached in the process of forming the Commission has been overcome with a somewhat questionable formula: the three parties of the “Ursula” majority (EPP, S&D and Renew) will draw up some kind of political document that will serve as proof that this kind of majority is good, while the other majorities are bad. The EPP had cleverly divided the right into a pro-Western and constructive right (ECR) and a pro-Putin and defeatist right (Patriots and ESN). An operation carried out in the interest of the survival of Europe itself. Which of course the idiocy of the socialists and liberals would not accept because they are still intimidated by the electoral defeats they suffered in Europe

19 November 2024

“Banks must prepare for increasing geopolitical risks” says Claudia Buch, Chair of the Supervisory Board of the European Central Bank, who addressed the European Parliament with a clear warning: “In a context of heightened geopolitical risks, the likelihood of extreme events materializing has increased”. She emphasized that management bodies must ensure banks are sufficiently resilient both financially and operationally

13 November 2024

The tragicomedy of Europeans and the American speed – The hearings of the European Commissioners turn into a madhouse. But it is understandable because the possibility of events beyond the actual will of the protagonists is becoming concrete. Yesterday, the President of the Commission rushed to the Parliament. She spoke with the leaders of the S&D and Renew groups, who have plunged into the darkness of “political ebetism”

09 November 2024

On the eve of the hearings of the vice-presidents-designate of the Commission, tensions are rising between the Socialists, Liberals and Greens on the one hand and the EPP, ECR, Patriots and ESN on the other. The former would like to get rid of Fitto. But they know very well that it would be the Socialist Teresa Ribeira who would pay the price. As usual, the needle of the scales is in the hands of the EPP, which decides which majority to adopt according to the convenience of the moment. Be it the “Ursula” one (EPP, S&D, Renew and Greens) or the “Venezuela” one (EPP, ECR, Patriots, ENS). And even if the EPP has protected Fitto like an armoured car, some German hawks, like Ehler, would like to take advantage of it to remove some important delegations from the Italian Commissioner-designate’s portfolio in exchange for support. Always in the EPP, the Spanish delegation would like to see Ribeira with a stake in her ass, regardless of Fitto. Especially now that Sánchez had to run for his life from the angry mob.

09 November 2024

SOS Europe, Help! Some Germans are still struggling to open their eyes. And in the hope that Trump won’t do what he says, they are still fantasizing about unrealizable things. Like CDU secretary general Carsten Linnemann, who fantasizes about free trade agreements between Europe and the U.S. instead of thinking about how to strengthen domestic demand. If they continue their obsession with austerity this time, they will not only lead Greece into the abyss, but Germany itself and the whole of Europe. Let us hope that Weber and the true Catholics in the EPP will be able to open the eyes of their compatriots

06 November 2024

The defeat of the progressives, who in Europe have begun to tear their clothes off and scream the end of the world because of Trump’s victory, without realizing that this is an opportunity for the EU to become something serious. That is: to become a real state, capable of being a state. That is: to have at least a common defense, a parliament with the right of initiative, a central bank capable of acting as lender of last resort, a common debt and a common industrial policy capable of boosting internal demand, without wasting time behind the antics of Lindner, Ferber and other austerity-minded Germans, or the green stupidity of the Greens and Timmermans. Finally, do the most important thing: acknowledge your roots. All the most democratic and federalist constitutions in the world. From Switzerland’s to America’s, are not ashamed to guard the Word of God while allowing freedom of religion

05 November 2024

The first four commissioners, Sefcovic, Micallef, Tzitzikostas and Hansen, pass the parliamentary test. All in a balancing game with words based on “but also”. Like Sefcovic, who on China looked like a juggler hanging by a thread. Also in these hearings, the formidable ECR-EPP axis jumps out at you.  If Fitto, for example, lacks the support of the Socialists, retaliation against Spain’s Teresa Ribera would be automatic. And in this case it would come not only from the conservatives, but from the EPP itself

04 November 2024

While the European chancelleries are asleep, still chasing the brain-dead follies of the Germans about the impossibility of a common debt, Sauli Niinistö, former President of the Republic of Finland, is giving Europe a wake-up call: conflict and climate: the EU is not prepared for the worst’; Europe’s defense (and threats) report; ‘Attacks and pandemics? A 72-hour supply in every home’.

30 October 2024

What a surprise! Just a few days before the commissioners’ hearings. And after the EPP had finally begun to emerge from the all-green and civil rights bubble it had got itself into. Out comes a clockwork investigation against Weber and the EPP. Who knows if this too will be a bubble that will evaporate like the others.

30 October 2024

European Commission on Tuesday (29 October) confirmed tariffs of up to 35.3% on Chinese-made electric cars, wrapping up a consultation period launched in October last year to establish whether Beijing’s subsidies had undercut European competition. A senior Commission official told reporters in Brussels there were persisting “broad disagreements over each and every fact” and “legal argument” around the original issue of subsidies – and how these were characterised

29 October 2024

The calm before the storm – Thousands of Georgians gathered in front of the national parliament in Tbilisi to demand the annulment of the election result, which saw the pro-Russian ‘Georgian Dream’ garner an absolute majority of votes. And what about reactions here? From Europe, solidarity, but no political action. So the Georgians who would like to be part of the EU will inevitably feel betrayed, and also inevitably end up in the arms of Moscow

22 October 2024

The axis works – The European Parliament on Monday rejected, with 319 votes against, a request to debate the consequences of Friday’s Rome court ruling nixing the transfer of the first dozen migrants to a new processing centre in Albania. The request was presented by the Greens group and supported by Liberals and Socialists. But on the other side the Popular-Patriots-ECR axis proved to be stronger than expected

16 October 2024

The return of austerity? – 2025 will be a decisive year for the Continent’s economy. The usual suspects will have to comply with the new rules: Italy is required to improve its structural primary balance by about 1.08 per cent of GDP per year to meet the new parameters. France and Spain will have to make an annual adjustment of 0.94 and 0.89 per cent of GDP, respectively. Blood and tears again, like ten years ago